
Hi there, I'm Whimsy! I'm a demon sheepgirl and variety streamer! I enjoy all kinds of games, and do my best with the one braincell that I (sometimes) still have! Below are the links to my social media and channels, while I mainly keep my content to streaming on Twitch I do upload my playthroughs on my YouTube for future viewing! Feel free to say hello on Twitter and reach out to me, or join my Discord! If you'd like to know a bit more about whyyyy I'm here, take a look below.

Hi there, I'm Whimsy!I'm a sheep...mostly. I...ok so, like, don't tell anyone but I'm not exactly a sheep from here. I mean like...this realm or whatever? Yeah right, I know, what gave it away? Probably the hands. And the humanoid body. I guess I used to be human but I died, and I ended up...in hell. I promise I didn't really do anything bad! At least I don't think that I really did. Witchcraft isn't bad, or at least mine wasn't. I mean maybe I hexed a Karen (as the youths call them) here and there but can you blame me?!I guess it could have also been the cardinal sin of sloth too though, or gluttony. Look I like my sleep and my snacks, sue me!Why did I end up with these sheep features when I died? It could have been the sacrifices, or my hard headedness, or the fact that I was trampled to death by a literal stampede of sheep...Either way! I ended up in hell! It's not so bad there really. I mostly just tried to do my job and sneak off when I could buuuuuut I still managed to get in trouble and eventually they just sent me up here! They said it was to corrupt more souls but there's just so much more to do up here. This realm didn't have all of this stuff when I was last alive!There are video games now, and Netflix! And people just deliver food right to you!I'm still doing my job of course. Sort of. I mean I'm kind of influencing people through this streaming thing. You can encourage cardinal sins just fine while having fun and lazing around, can't you?! Oh and I live with this human boy, Ryoshi, since I guess he caught me in the middle of a job. It just so happens that he has a rare soul that'd be worth a lot in soul gems, but I'm biding my time. Of course he's a bit of goody two-shoes and insists that we take out those trying to collect other's souls for gems, but since we're eliminating the competition I've decided to just go along with it. If it makes him feel better, then who am I to deny him his indulgences?He lives in Australia, which I guess is fine, I mean it's hot enough that I feel right at home so I can't complain! Anyways...committed any sins lately? No? Want to? Come on help a girl out! I'm just doing my job!